jueves, 24 de mayo de 2018

Popular games 2nd Grade

This time I have to introduce you a new integrated tasks "Traditional and popular games". We will develop in several sessions and we'll integrate other disciplines, Arts and Crafts and English.
We will learn different games, rules and movements.
This week we have made a discovery session.
Take a look at their reactions.

Popular games 1st Grade

This time I have to introduce you a new integrated tasks "Traditional and popular games". We will develop in several sessions and we'll integrate other disciplines, Arts and Crafts and English.
We will learn different games, rules and movements.
This week we have made a discovery session.
Take a look at their reactions.

domingo, 13 de mayo de 2018


Our 5 year old children love to sing, so we learned this song about clothes

miércoles, 9 de mayo de 2018

Balance 2 class.

This week we have been working the balance.
We were able to go out and train our skills.
Balance is a skill we will need throughout life.

Balance. 1 class.

This week we have been working the balance. We did differents exercises in the sports pavilion.
We have to work as a team to not fail.


Hello everybody!
Today we had a very special lesson in English. We got a ticket to London, our passports and... our tablets! It would have been awesome to travel to London, but instead we used QR codes to know different important places of London.
We had a very very great time!

domingo, 6 de mayo de 2018

Sports in England

Here we are with an special session. This time, we learned in P.E. the sports that another students play in England.
We've seen that we play some of them here in Spain. But they've got another interesting sports that we never saw.
Have a look of our session.


Hello everybody! Our project about United Kingdom in 2nd grade is still going on. During the last lessons we investigated about different aspects of the country such as money, food, sports...
Then we created a lapbook with all the information we got.


 Today 5th and 6th grade went to the theatre to enjoy a play named "My funny Frankestein". Some of us even had the oportunity to p...