martes, 29 de enero de 2019

Body artist (1° grade)

These days we are working with the body.
We are learning to express feelings and identify sounds.
We play in pairs and we create body sculptures.


In 2nd grade we were doing a tangram. Then, we try how to do some figures using the pieces of the game. 

Here you have some pictures!

Click here!

domingo, 27 de enero de 2019

Group expression (3° grade)

These days we are working the movements of the body.
We express together what we feel.
We use music to play.

Cooperation games (2° grade)

These days we are doing cooperative games.
We have to learn to play with our partner.

Today it's cold (3 years old).

We are in the winter season.
In class we are learning what to wear when it's cold.
We learn and we color the different garments.

Cold weather (4years old)

These days it's cold.
In class we are learning the clothes we have to wear.
We are learning through play.

Winter season (5years old)

These days we are working the winter season.
We learn the clothes we have to wear.
 We are learning through play.

jueves, 24 de enero de 2019


In 3rd grade our students were playing with the app Kahoot. This is a good way to learn and to see our improvements while we play and have fun.
We are looking forward to our next Kahoot!!


viernes, 18 de enero de 2019

Silence, sound and noise

In 1st grade we were learning the difference between silence, sound and noise.

Here you have some pics!

Click here!

jueves, 17 de enero de 2019

3D geometric forms

In 2nd and 3rd grade we were cuting and doing 3D geometric forms. It was very difficult but very funny!
Here you have some pics!
Click here!

lunes, 14 de enero de 2019


Today in English we were practising some vocabulay about animals, and what a better way to learn than playing and having fun.
We put some animal cards on our forehead and had to ask "who am I?" and our partner had to describe the animal so we could guess it.
We had so much fun!!

miércoles, 9 de enero de 2019

Geometric forms

In 2nd and 3rd grade this week, we were learning about the geometric forms.
We did it with plasticine and toothpicks.

Here you have some pics!

Click here!

Click here!


 Today 5th and 6th grade went to the theatre to enjoy a play named "My funny Frankestein". Some of us even had the oportunity to p...