viernes, 28 de febrero de 2020


In 4th grade we are learning some grammar. We have been practicing how to use the verb HAVE GOT and for that we used some cards to ask questions and answer using this verb.

lunes, 17 de febrero de 2020


As you know in 4th grade we are learning about Ancient Age, and that´s why in Arts and Crafts we learned about ancient greek pottery and we created our own vases.

martes, 11 de febrero de 2020

Sport and Olympic games. (4th grade)

Last day we were speaking about sports and Olympic games.
We prepared in groups an explanation about an especif sport.
We learned that not all the sports are olimpic.
Could you answer the question?

Which are olimpic sports?
Judo       Skating         Surf         Volleyball          Tennis       Basketball          Squash   

domingo, 9 de febrero de 2020

My house! (4 years)

Hello, this is my house. This is a roof, a window, a chimney, a garden, a door...
Do you want to see how we did it?
You can do it clicking below

Body sculptures! 2nd course

Last week the sun gave us a big surprise.
We went to the sport pavilion. We were running out and we prepared our bodies for the session.
After that we did sculptures with the body, first with music and then with relays.
Have a look!

My family! (5 years)

Last week, we were learning how to named the different family members.
We were practising how to introduce our family to the classmates.

Moving my body! (1st course)

Last week the sun gave us a big surprise.
We went to the sport pavilion doing the warm up,  we enjoyed the games inside and we danced with the music. After that we performed body control games with balloons.

viernes, 7 de febrero de 2020


 Today 5th and 6th grade went to the theatre to enjoy a play named "My funny Frankestein". Some of us even had the oportunity to p...