martes, 17 de marzo de 2020


Last week we started to learn about St. Patrick's Day in 1st grade and its most important symbols.

Click on the link:

domingo, 15 de marzo de 2020

Olympic torch (3,4 and 5 year)

A few days ago we had the opportunity to touch a real olympic torch.
We were able to see that it didn't weigh much.
When we grow up, we'll take one.
Thanks to Rodrigo, Sara's father. He made it possible to enjoy that Olympic dream.

Which sport do you play? (5 years)

In this lesson we we're practicing different sport.
Can you guess which sport am I playing?

Olympic torch (4th Grade)

Hello everyone!
From physical education class we want to show you the surprise we had a few days ago.
We had the opportunity to touch a real olympic torch. It was incredible to feel like an Olympic athlete.
Thanks to Rodrigo, Sara's father. He made it possible to enjoy that Olympic dream.

Olympic torch (3rd Grade)

Hello everyone!
From physical education class we want to show you the surprise we had a few days ago.
We had the opportunity to touch a real olympic torch. It was incredible to feel like an Olympic athlete.
Thanks to Rodrigo, Sara's father. He made it possible to enjoy that Olympic dream.

Olympic torch (2nd Grade)

Hello everyone!
From physical education class we want to show you the surprise we had a few days ago.
We had the opportunity to touch a real olympic torch. It was incredible to feel like an Olympic athlete.
Thanks to Rodrigo, Sara's father. He made it possible to enjoy that Olympic dream.

Olympic torch (1st Grade)

Hello everyone!
From physical education class we want to show you the surprise we had a few days ago.
We had the opportunity to touch a real olympic torch. It was incredible to feel like an Olympic athlete.
Thanks to Rodrigo, Sara's father. He made it possible to enjoy that Olympic dream.

viernes, 13 de marzo de 2020


In 2nd grade we were learning about clothes. To show you how much we learned, in groups we designed clothes for each season of the year. Then we  looked for some models to help us to show our designs.

Click on the link:

jueves, 12 de marzo de 2020


During weeks, in 1st grade he have been learning vocabulary about animals and as we learned a lot of things, we talked in front of our school-mates while we showed them a beautiful mural we made in class.

Click on the link:

sábado, 7 de marzo de 2020

Domestic animals (4years)

Last week we have been working with farm and domestic animals.
We spend a few sessions learning, speaking, watching, singing and painting about it.

" A cow in the shed,  a dog in the kennel, a hen in the coop,  a pig in the sty, a duck in the pond, a sheep in the pen, a horse in the stable, a cat in the house, a rooster in the coop, a goat in the pen, a donkey in the stable"

Have a look.


 Today 5th and 6th grade went to the theatre to enjoy a play named "My funny Frankestein". Some of us even had the oportunity to p...