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viernes, 26 de marzo de 2021
St Patick´s day
martes, 16 de marzo de 2021
In 3rd grade we were learning how to draw some animals following different steps.
Here you have the result!
viernes, 12 de marzo de 2021
miércoles, 10 de marzo de 2021
Badminton 5th grade
Hola familias,
Hoy hemos tenido oportunidad de entrevistar al presidente de la federación gallega de bádminton, Rodrigo Sanjurjo, quien de manera muy amena nos ha contado cosas sobre este apasionante deporte.
Debido a la semana de la prensa que celebramos estos días, hemos querido reflejar en nuestro periódico las opiniones de personas cercanas a algún deporte.
Gracias Rodrigo por contestar y atender las preguntas de nuestros jóvenes reporteros.
Squash 4th Grade
Hola familias,
Hoy en clase de educación física y como sesión especial por la semana de la prensa, hemos querido entrevistar al presidente del club Golaicos Squash Ames, César Machado, que de manera muy amena nos ha acercado más a este deporte.
Gracias César por atender a nuestros jóvenes reporteros.
In 4th grade we are learning about the verb CAN. For that, each of us prepared a simple presentation about some things we can or can't do and then we explained them to our classmates.
martes, 9 de marzo de 2021
Hi families,
Lydia Valentín, Arantxa Sánchez Vicario, Joane Somarriba, Teresa Perales, Edurne Pasaban,Carolina Marín, Mireia Belmonte, Ruth Beitia, Gysela Pulido....
Can you say what they have in common?
Yes..... all of them are great sportswomen.
8M, we were working about it.
We have looked for information about them. Then we have explained the sport and where each one is from.
martes, 2 de marzo de 2021
What is she/he doing?
In 5th grade we are learning how to use Present Continuous. For that we played a mime game; by turns we had to represent an action and the rest of the class had to guess what it was. We had sooooo much fun!!
Here you have a video:
Today 5th and 6th grade went to the theatre to enjoy a play named "My funny Frankestein". Some of us even had the oportunity to p...

Here we continue with lots of English and lots of fun! Yesterday we worked on English films and created our own reels, becoming actors and a...
Hello everyone! Our 6th grade students and some 5th grade students traveled on Sunday to Pasarón de la Vera, Cáceres, to enjoy a week of lan...
In 1st Grade we want to ask you about sports. Can you answer the question? Have a look and listen which sports we like. Click on the lin...