Spring is here and we did a colourful dandelion using our fingerprints.
Here you have the result!
Hi families!
These days we are working with food vocabulary. Fruits and vegetables. There are very important for us and we shoud eat every day. We are learning shapes, colours and names of he most common fruits and vegetables.
Here you can see us in action, let's take a look
Hello everyone.
With spring come the flowers. And with the flowers we make the Maios.
The school students have decorated our Maio.
Check it out.
5th grade is very excited! We have been working on something for days and today it finally comes out!
We were preparing a storytelling for the 1-year-old kids. We all collaborated; some prepared some puppets, others read...
Here you have the story: The very hungry caterpillar
Today 5th and 6th grade went to the theatre to enjoy a play named "My funny Frankestein". Some of us even had the oportunity to p...