domingo, 31 de octubre de 2021

Halloween 4潞 Grade


To celebrate Halloween at arts and crafts we make chinese puppets, cats, bats, witches, pumpkins and ghosts... buh!

It's time to put them to work, soon...馃懟

Happy Halloween!馃拃

celebrate halloween at arts and crafts we make chinese puppets, cats, bats, witches, pumpkins and ghosts ... buh! It's time to put them to work, soon


These last weeks our 6th grade students were preparing something very special for 4th and 5th grade. A HAUNTED HOUSE!

Last Friday we saw a video where we found out one of our teachers was missing and we had to help him! For that, we had to go through different challenges and especially very very brave! 

At the end we rescued teacher Javi while we had some scary moments

                                                               HAPPY HALLOWEEN

mi茅rcoles, 20 de octubre de 2021


The school is full of music because we have startad to play our xilophones again in the music lessons. 

martes, 19 de octubre de 2021


October 31st is coming and so is Halloween. One more time we want to celebrate it with a  PUMPKIN CARVING CONTEST!

What do you have to do to participate?

1. Carve a pumpkin
2. Take a picture of the pumpkin
3. Send the picture to:  (please write the student's name and grade on the email)
    Deadline: October 31st


mi茅rcoles, 13 de octubre de 2021

Arts and Crafts 4潞 Grade

 What a better way than to study our human body than by drawing ourselves!

Arts and Crafts 5潞 Grade

 Last week we learned a little more about the movements of the earth and the moon.

Arts and Crafts subject is fun!

Arts and Crafts

 During two sessions we have been drawing the plants and their parts. It has been fun reviewing the science content by painting!


 Today 5th and 6th grade went to the theatre to enjoy a play named "My funny Frankestein". Some of us even had the oportunity to p...