- Arts and Craft
- Arts and Crafts
- bingo
- Book's day
- CambridgeExams
- Carnival
- Christmas
- colours
- Concerts
- Contest
- culture
- cut
- DigitalWeek
- Discovering
- Drawing
- easter time
- emotions
- English
- Experiences
- favouritefood
- FEnglish
- food
- friends
- Fun
- fun way
- Games
- Halloween
- HavingFun
- History
- ImmersionPrograme
- ingles
- inmersion linguistica
- inspiration
- Learning
- Mixing
- moments
- Music
- Musical Instruments
- MyOn
- numbers
- Painters
- photography
- Physical Education
- Project
- Pumpkins
- reading
- ReadingAloud
- Receips
- Religion
- Saint Patrick's Day
- SchoolTrip
- scissors
- shapes
- singing
- Speaking
- SpecialMoments
- St Patrick´s
- starting
- StPatrick´sDay
- team
- teams
- ThanksgivingDay
- Theatre
- ThinkingRoutines
- Travelling
- TVCasadoNeno
- Valentine's Day
- winter
- Writing
martes, 22 de marzo de 2022
lunes, 21 de marzo de 2022
Arts and Crafts 5º
It's been a month but we had not published some of our work on a very special day that we dedicate to friendship.
We made some beautiful bracelets!
Playing online
There are many apps and online games to learn English.
It's much more fun!
Reading English Newspaper
During press week we learned to read in the British digital newspaper "The Times for Kids".
There is a lot of news that not only helps us to improve our English but also brings us closer to other cultures.
A great discovery.
We will keep reading!
St. Patrick's Day 4º
Last week we celebrated St. Patrick's Day, an Irish holiday full of legends and interesting stories.
In English we read, sang and made some cards to learn more about this popular holiday.
We learn new things but most of all we have fun in our English classes.
St Patrick´s day 2º
domingo, 20 de marzo de 2022
St Patrick´s day 1º
In the first grade we were talking about St. Patrick. We learnt vocabulary, we talked about culture, traditions, about leprachauns....
And finally we painted some pictures with the typical colour of the feast, green.
lunes, 14 de marzo de 2022
Fashion day
domingo, 13 de marzo de 2022
On March 8 we celebrated Intertational Women's Day.
We create different activities en all grades.
Here is a xample of sixth grade:
"The women in my life"
Today 5th and 6th grade went to the theatre to enjoy a play named "My funny Frankestein". Some of us even had the oportunity to p...

Here we continue with lots of English and lots of fun! Yesterday we worked on English films and created our own reels, becoming actors and a...
Hello everyone! Our 6th grade students and some 5th grade students traveled on Sunday to Pasarón de la Vera, Cáceres, to enjoy a week of lan...
In 1st Grade we want to ask you about sports. Can you answer the question? Have a look and listen which sports we like. Click on the lin...