martes, 29 de noviembre de 2022


On Sunday our 6th grade students started their stay in a language immersion programme called Digital Week. For a week they will live with children from other schools in Galicia while improving their linguistic and digital skills.

domingo, 27 de noviembre de 2022


Last week the Primary 6 students started working on their first Christmas designs.

This time they created a beautiful postcard to wish their classmates and family a happy Christmas.

Lovely work!


In art class we learned how to make graffiti.

As it was International Children's Day, the students created some murals with meaningful words.

Graffiti is a visual art technique that jumps from the streets to the classrooms and is very appropriate to connect the children with the world. 

Here some pictures:

domingo, 20 de noviembre de 2022

Arts 2º Grade

Last week, and making use of technology, we made our first Christmas drawing.

Christmas is coming and we are already starting to breathe its atmosphere. 

The children of Casa do Neno are passionate about drawing, colouring and creating with the Penup App.

They were so happy and calm in class:

Project in 3º grade

"Vivamos como galegos" is the title of the third grade project where they are learning many topics about our Galician community. 

Drawing our map of Galicia with its communities helps us to review this topic as well as making use of tics.

Here some pictures:

domingo, 13 de noviembre de 2022

Arts and Crafts 3º

Working with play dough has many benefits:

It stimulates creativity, improves fine motor skills, promotes concentration, helps to be calmer, but it is also great fun and allows you to create many things.

Here we have our little spiders!



Arts and Crafts 2º- Autumn

The autumn season allows us to create beautiful works of art in plastic.

We coloured, cut out paper, made little balls and glued them together to turn them into beautiful autumn leaves.

Excellent work in second grade!


martes, 8 de noviembre de 2022

Arts and Crafts 2º

After a few days of partying we continue to learn how to cut and glue.

This time we built different little animals and the truth is, they turned out beautiful!

Here some pictures:

miércoles, 2 de noviembre de 2022


Here you have the final product of the Halloween proposal for this year. 

These are the Halloween Receips that you have done along this days. 

We hope you enjoy it!

Halloween in 2º

Last week we had a lot of fun in art class. We made a simple Halloween craft that was really scary!

We coloured different Halloween motifs and added some scary teeth!

They turned out great and most of all, we had a lot of fun!

martes, 1 de noviembre de 2022

Arts and Crafts 2º

In the second primary class we learnt to draw and colour a little better.

With a small dossier about autumn, we were painting leaves in a creative way, putting faces on them and completing other drawings about this season.

How much we love drawing and using all the colours!

Here some pictures:


 Today 5th and 6th grade went to the theatre to enjoy a play named "My funny Frankestein". Some of us even had the oportunity to p...