miércoles, 15 de febrero de 2023

Speed races 1º grade


This week we have been working on speed. It is an athletics test where we try to run as fast as we can.

We do the test and after the session we stretch the muscles.

Here is a sample of our work.  

You can also watch a video in the next link: Speed racing

domingo, 12 de febrero de 2023

Sculptures with 1º and 2º grades.

Hello everybody!

Last week we had our class with the second year students. We became sculptors. We had to make sculptures with the bodies of our classmates.

Some of them were very original.

With this type of activity we encourage interdisciplinary work. We encourage coexistence and reinforce union and teamwork.

Have a look at our work.

martes, 7 de febrero de 2023

What time is it?

We practise the hours in English.

With these nice clocks we move the hands to play with the hours.

n pairs they ask each other, what time is it?

They verbalise and practise. 


sábado, 4 de febrero de 2023


There is nothing more effective than being the protagonists of our learning.

In the fourth year classes the students presented their English revision work during the last few weeks.

They did a great job ✌✌✌


 Carnival is coming...

These are the first photos in our carnival classes.

Cutting, decorating, ... we had a wonderful time!

Games to lear english

 In fourth grade we have been practicing English grammar playing games.

In our school we have a wide range of games for all subjects and for all grades. 

It is important to actively practise all the information studied during English lessons.

Great students!

viernes, 3 de febrero de 2023


In 5th grade we are working on a new History project. In English class we watched a video about "what if you lived during the Middle Ages?".

After that, we did a thinking routine called "Headlines".


 Today 5th and 6th grade went to the theatre to enjoy a play named "My funny Frankestein". Some of us even had the oportunity to p...