Last week we were learning how to work in a team. It is important for our learning.
We have to work together. That way we will all reach the goal. No one can be left behind.
Best regards.
Last week we were learning how to work in a team. It is important for our learning.
We have to work together. That way we will all reach the goal. No one can be left behind.
Best regards.
Last week we were learning how to warm up before the activities.
It is very important to warm up. It allows us to prevent injuries and prepare the body for sport.
Here are the teams proposing different warm-ups.
Best regards.
Hola familias!
Esta semana los alumnos de 4º, 5º y 6º hemos tenido ua clase muy especial, nos hemos acercado al mundo del bádminton.
Gracias a Rodrigo, profesor de secundaria y presidente de la Federación Gallega de Bádminton y de Sara, antigua alumna de Casa do Neno y subcampeoba de España de este bonito deporte.
Nos explicaron en que consiste y nos hicieron una exhibición del juego. Será una de las actividades que ofertaremos como extraescolar.
Un saludo.
Today 5th and 6th grade went to the theatre to enjoy a play named "My funny Frankestein". Some of us even had the oportunity to p...