domingo, 27 de noviembre de 2016


Last friday we celebrated Thanksgiving in class.
We want children to know about the importance of sharing food and respecting other people. For this reason, THERE WAS SOMETHING SPECIAL IN THIS THANKSGIVING….
At first, I only gave two or three puffs to every 4 children, and I asked them to eat them. What happened? There weren't enough.  
Students quickly found the way of sharing the puffs. We can divide them!, they said. And it was a fantastic idea!
Due to the fact that all of them were generous  to one another, in the end, they could enjoy a big amount of food!
And do you know what happened? They continued sharing!
Well done, kids!


 Today 5th and 6th grade went to the theatre to enjoy a play named "My funny Frankestein". Some of us even had the oportunity to p...