Last 24th October, Libraries Day we made some bookmarks in the art class.
We chose, designed, cut out, glued and laminated our work, for ourselves and to give as presents.
We are now ready to start reading and not lose a page!
Here some pictures:
Last 24th October, Libraries Day we made some bookmarks in the art class.
We chose, designed, cut out, glued and laminated our work, for ourselves and to give as presents.
We are now ready to start reading and not lose a page!
Here some pictures:
Hello families!
Once again halloween is here.
Desde el departamento de inglés nos queremos sumar a la fiesta, pero sin dejar por ello de trabajar y aprender cosas. Estos días estamos trabajando con una canción que nos enseña vocabulario y a contar en la lengua de Shakespeare.
Os invitamos a cantar con ellos en esta fiesta de brujas, vampiros y fantasmas. Os dejo un enlace con la canción que estamos escuchando. Halloween song
En este otro breve video, podréis ver una rutina con ellos en clase. Iremos subiendo más videos para que podáis verlos a todos. Rutina de Halloween
Gracias por vuestra atención.
Un saludo
In 1st grade we were playing percussion instruments for the first time in this course.
Would you like to see the final result?
In 5th and 6th grade we have started to read aloud. It's usually a challenge at the beginning, but as soon as the weeks go on and we practise more and more, the results will improve.
Here you have a video so you can watch us!
In 1st grade we are learning vocabulary about the city. This week we played Kahoot and we liked it sooooo much!!
Hello everybody!! It´s October and that means Halloween is coming!!
This year we want to make you a different proposal; a tasty and terrifying Halloween. You can voluntarily make a creepy recipe and send us a picture of the final result. It can be a funny and tasty moment to spend with the family.
What do you have to do to participate?
1. Cook a scary Halloween recipe
2. Take a picture of the final result
3. Send the picture to: (please, write the student's name and grade on the email) Deadline: October 31st
In music class we have began to play the xylophone from the first grades.
Here you have some pictures!
In 5th grade we have been practicing some grammar through a board game. We had so much fun and we practiced a lot!
In fifth they are also experts creating comics.
They not only created a comic but also dramatized it.
Well done!
Some pictures:
Educational comics are a fun way to encourage reading in children. In addition to creating a comic helps them with the English language, to communicate and to be more creative.
Sixth graders are especially motivated when they expose it.
Great job!
Today 5th and 6th grade went to the theatre to enjoy a play named "My funny Frankestein". Some of us even had the oportunity to p...