miércoles, 19 de octubre de 2022


Hello everybody!! It´s October and that means Halloween is coming!!

This year we want to make you a different proposal; a tasty and terrifying Halloween. You can voluntarily make a creepy recipe and send us a picture of the final result. It can be a funny and tasty moment to spend with the family.

What do you have to do to participate?

1. Cook a scary Halloween recipe

2. Take a picture of the final result

3. Send the picture to: pluri@casadoneno.edu.es (please, write the student's name and grade on the email) Deadline: October 31st

Para participar:

1.  Prepara una receta terrorífica de Halloween
2.  Saca una foto al resultado final
3. Envía la foto a pluri@casadoneno.edu.es (por favor, escribe el nombre y curso del alumno en el email) Fecha límite: 31 de octubre


 Today 5th and 6th grade went to the theatre to enjoy a play named "My funny Frankestein". Some of us even had the oportunity to p...