martes, 17 de enero de 2023

Balance (P.E. 6 grade)

Hello everyone

Today's session is all about balance. 

After a warm up, it was time to work as a team.

To balance we used a board on which we had to stand upright.

Then we experimented with other ways of standing.

At the end we did some short stretches.

You can see our work in this video: Balance (6th grade students).

¡Hola a todos!

La sesión de nuestra clase de hoy la dedicamos al equilibrio. 

Con ellos queremos mejorar la coordinación, fortalecer el sistema neuromuscular, aumentar la etabilidad y la fuerza de los músculos y ayudar a que nuestros movimientos sean más eficientes.

Para realizar las tareas nos hemos ayudado de una tabla de equilibrio. Una superficie inestable en la que debemos tratar de mantener nuestro equilibrio. 

Después, en grupos, hemos intentado provocar y realizar distintas situaciones de equilibrio encima de la tabla.

Al finalizar es conveniente realizar estiramientos, sobre todo de aquellos músculos que más han intervenido en los ejercicios.

Aquí os dejamos una muestra de nuestro trabajo.

Un saludo.

sábado, 14 de enero de 2023

English Time "Body Parts" 5 years

 Hello families.

In the 5 year old class, we like to practise english vocabulary by singing.

We leave you a video in the link. There you can see us in action. 

See you next time

English Time "Body parts"

viernes, 13 de enero de 2023

Physical Educaction Long jump (4º grade)

Hello families!

Today we show you our physical education class. 

The first thing we did was to warm up with running and then prepare the muscles.

Then we were working on the long jump.

The hardest part was not stepping on the line.

And after the end of the session we stretch.

Have a look at our work.

martes, 10 de enero de 2023

Digital Art 2º

 The second year pupils are already artists. They love to create and produce their own works with digital media. This time we used the art drawing platform Penup.

As you can see they used different artistic styles and art forms.

Beautiful works.


 Today 5th and 6th grade went to the theatre to enjoy a play named "My funny Frankestein". Some of us even had the oportunity to p...