viernes, 20 de octubre de 2023

Emotions (3, 4 and 5 years)

Hello families.

These days we have been working on emotions. 

We have learnt through games, facial expressions, songs and colouring. 

We leave you a link with some of the videos and songs.


Hola familias.

Estos días hemos estado trabajando las emociones. 

Hemos aprendido a través de juegos, expresiones faciales, canciones y coloreando. 

Os dejamos un enlace con algunos de los vídeos y canciones.

Un saludo.

How are you today? 

Happy, Sad, Angry, Hungry, Sleepy, Scaried.

Between books and cultures! (Preschool)

 Hello! In our reading week we have been able to enjoy some stories. This time, written in Shakespeare's language.